Annual membership - Individual

Garden Membership Agreement

As a Westside Community Garden member: 

  • I will always show respect to garden members, volunteers and visitors, ensuring that I never interfere with their rights and opportunities.
  • I understand that if I do not keep my WSCG and ALEC membership fees current, I will forfeit my right to access the garden.
  • I understand the importance of keeping my relevant contact details current and will advise of any changes
  • I understand my participation at WSCG is at my own risk. ALEC and members of the WSCG Committee, are not liable for any injury to me, or to my invited family and friends, nor for the loss of any of my possessions.
  • I will actively participate in garden activity for at least 26 hours each year and happily agree to share what I can with the garden community.
  • I take responsibility for my own health and safety by working within my own limitations.
  • I appreciate the importance of not disclosing the gate/padlock code to others
  • I will work towards achieving a Zero Waste WSCG by reducing, reusing and recycling at every opportunity.
  • If a disagreement arises, I pledge to settle it through calm discussion and goodwill according to the grievance procedures of WSCG. If the issue remains unresolved, I will accept the decision of the WSCG Committee.

By making a payment I agree that I have read, appreciated and will abide by the spirit of the WSCG Guidelines



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Contributions are tax deductible.
